Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Baker Hughes

A very Good Morning little fellas, well post aku yg kali ni entitle Baker Hughes. Yes, tempat kerja baru aku. Definitely located in KL area, Jalan Tun Razak, nearly Ampang Park Shopping Centre. Just few minutes walk dah sampai. & now aku di dalam office duduk menghadap pc yang sgt cantik monitor nya ini.

Dengan nafas lega, aku dapat kerja yang sempurna, hidup yang tk lama lg bakal berubah corak nya, wah-wah. Seronok babe, seriously aku tergerak hati nk buat entry utk meyamapaikan betapa happynya aku bila dpt peluang kerja mcm ni. Infact, Baker Hughes is one of the most establish Oil & Gas Company around the world. Alhamdullillah ya allah, He had show me the correct path & yes for sure we have to go through the path easy & slowly. May allah lead me to the truth.

Advantage bg aku, as this is one of my field of study & furthermore, this company will fully pay for my studies fees. Syukur ya allah, my life is getting better, growing so well & fine. I can live happily with my love ones & all my beloved sistahss & friends. This is terrifying wonderful, the all mighty allah, please show me the way & protect me from all this temporary heaven that could guide to the most terrible way in this life. Amin-ya rabbal alamin.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Hey-yooo waddup ?
Omg, dah terikut-ikut. Best pulak dgr Khalifah, Drake. Jgn jd rappers, jafi clown je kau ni. Hahaha, mcm bodoh en ? Nicki Minaj tu, eeeee dh habis geli dh aku tgk.

Anyway, setiap kali aku update, the place wont be anywhere else selain my beloved office - Jobstreet.com Pte Ltd & after this no more beloved2 dah.

Yesterday hari ahad - 5/6 adalah hari sejarah bagi aku. Enter sunway lagoon semua dh mcm beruk tk penah naik tu & ini. Hahhaha *including me. We have so much fun ! Mandi, manda naik benda pusing2, roller coaster bodoh,ape jadah haram benda xtreme2 ni. Kapal tu memang smpi mampus aku tkkn naik, jgn nk tinggi sgt. Menyumpah2 aku naik benda tu. Sial btol, few of us menangis. Takut, wahahahaha ! Tp aku still remain strong & tabah. Aku tk nangis ! aah sebab aku tutup mata. so tk nmpk ape2. Kepala kat bwh, kaki kt atas. Amek kau. Tinggi 5 tingkat bangunan. Memang la tk brape tinggi, tp bak dtg la korg try. Anyway, mcm sial pon smlm, dgn bala yg tk dingini menimpa aku, ianya tetap seronok. we are having so much fun. Memang best, seriously ! && Aku dh tknk ckp sbb rase bersalah still membuak2 ni.

*Kaza u tau la kan.

Ok, this post entitle craving. Ape yg aku craving ? OMGGGGGG, Please proceed with ya reading -

confessions of a concealaholic

brows a-go-go

Can u you guys just imagine ? Memang laaaa yang brow agogogok ni dah lama, tapi dr dulu aku aim je minatang ni. Like seriously, aku mmg addicted with Benefit! See, packaging die ape semua. Terrifying awesome ! boleh buat org go cra-zeh !

Oh gaji bulan ke-3 please la jangan merayau-rayau ,rewang sana sini lagi. Aku dh tk larat menanggung derita. Hahahah

It sounds mcm aku nk sgt benda ni kan, yes it is ! Tp 1 benda yg menjadi masaalah. AKU TAK PAKAI PON ! BELI & SIMPAN Haih, apa macam? Hehehe tktaulaaa, aku bukan pattern yang into make-up. ya allah, geli. Sebab aku tk gemar sgt ler yang muka betempek mcm2.Sebab tak rase berat ke muke tu ? Hahhaa, warna macam-macam.Dh mcm koling dh. Paling penting pon muka bersih, tkde jerawat, tk minyak .Tu yg sgt penting. Tapi memandang kan ke taksuban aku pd benefit, aku akan beli tp mmg pagi jahanam nk pakai. More to collection laaaaa ,see packaging die ! OMGGG, can get sia-ow already !

Nowadays, teens more prefer dengan M.A.C. Currently yg aku dpt kenal pasti brand kegemaran gadis-gadis di luar sana. Cube try benefit. U guys wont regret. Tengok packaging je dh menarik & yang paling penting. Bedak die sgt fucking rare one. Dorg mane gune compact,seriously . They are something like this :-

Coralista Face Powder

Fantastic isn't ? Catching every eyes on it ! Please la try benefit ! Haaaa , kau ade ? =)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

no longer a girl,she is dead

Hello Thursday, hari-hari yang dilalui seperti hari-hari yang biasa juga. Tapi since "hari selasa - (24/5/2011)" my day seems so different, sangat berbeza. Dah mati dah jiwa ni. Rasa give-up & tak rasa hidup ni memang useful dah since last tuesday. & yes it is look too dull & too vague. I can't deny, even him yes, last tuesday had give me a lot of conscious and aware of been alive. It was leading me to a way, the way which was me, who not even know where the hell it direct to.

Memang in future i don't see any yesterday memory sebab hari selasa yang lepas.

And sebenarnye niat aku tulis sebab aku ada 1 suprise. And yes it is very fucking suprising me, aku tk expect pon smpi mcm ni dia punya ego. And so this is for a girl who use to be my bestfriendforever. And i do love her, till now even i have never met her before since we met last year. Apa yang suprising me, she is no longer a follower kat blog aku. And even dia tak jadi follower, but i am so very the sure that she is till following my blog. Hey girl, i want to see wether kau alert tak post aku ni,if she give a feedback & yes she is a stalker. Sorry, but then aku takkan buat kat kau mcm ape yg kau buat kat aku.No heart feelings ok !

Post dalam blog kau gamba aku, post dalam fb kau "status" kau yang sangat obvious utk aku. Honestly, aku sgt depressed dengan ape yg kau buat, well "i don't earn any penny from you"//"i don't live to please you" && so whatever ayat kau kan,well memang sedih. Kat sini aku cakap mmg aku sedih. But then, its ok. Maybe, kau rasa aku tk cukup bagus utk jd kwn kau. Aku pun faham perasaan yang rasa diri kita sangat sempurna utk berkawan dgn org yg tk sempurna. Tkkn la org yg ada kaki nak kawan dengan orang yang tempang ni kan ?Aku tau & faham.

Tak pa lah, memang aku tak layak untuk kau pon sebenarnyaaa, orang yang kampungan mcm aku tak deserve nak sit beside u while having a cup of Vivvano Smoothies kat Starbucks/Gloria Coffee Jeanss/Redbean ke ape lancau la. Ok, clearly yang kau mmg tottaly smoking gorgeous.

Cume nk bg reminder, what goes around comes around. Aku tk give a damn pun tp kenangkan kau la yg aku percaya ,everything buat benda sama2, every single thing, even panties sama ,bra sama. Kan? semua sama smpi org tnye "Korg kembar ke ?" Haha, see can u imagine how close we are. But then, i dont expect benda mcm ni jadi. Its fine, cume tu jela. Terdetik pulak nk post pasal kau, ingat lah. Jgn la kau menyesal sebab orang lain.Ape mimpi ngeri kau sebelum ni semua dtg dr tgn kau. kau yg buat pilihan, jgn salahkan org lain / aku utk ape yg dh berlaku.

Oh yes, one more thing stop being so bitchy girl, to be frank, kau super beyotch punye, errrr bcz, so far semua lelaki yang dekat ngn kau, even your own bf's pet brother kau sapu. Please jgn jd cmni. It is tottaly humiliating yourself. Bkn la nk kate aku tk gatal tp, aku stick dgn 1 je kot. SO far yg kau nmpk mcm mane ?

Dengan harapan, aku tkkn kenang kau dh lepas ni.&& yes for sure, my "best-fiend" already got die. been kill by me.Terima kasih kawan.

# I hate this part

I love you, please, please dont leave me .

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Hey U ollsz (F**K)

Dh lame tk menulis kan ? Ni pon aku tgh typing kat office, hahahha
"Office" ?! Yes, kat office.Aku skang office peeps apadahal. Hari2 mengadap pc. Mata aku yg rabun berdouble2 rabun ni woi senah woi. Hahaha.

Ok ape yg aku nk cerita eh ? So far aku mmg dah buat mcm-mcm benda, mcm-mcm cerita dh jd.Infacet, aku sendiri tk ingt ape yg dh jd cz lame sgt dh tk menulis.

Sgt bosan kat sini, cz tkde kerja. FB is forbidden here & semua laman social pon forbidden kt sini. Tktau la blogspot.com lepas.

&& So aku ada bnyk sgt-sgt-sgt nk tulis. but then, by 5.30 baru leh proceed, tunggu lagi 3 jam ok.

Friday, April 1, 2011


Selamat tengahari semua,

lame nye aku tk post,&& sgt la rindu.
okay, aku dh edit page. err,
based on
#now loving & #now playing ,all this are what is currently yg i'm in love with & listening with.
Lot to share actually, aku tgh serabut cz ape yg aku usahakan tk menjadi, so please wait for next post.
Really huge story that being needed to share.
TQ Kiddo/Fellas/Bastard or whatever.
haahahaaa, byeeee

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Good Afternoon everyone, wake-up in the noon.
going down stair to look for some dishes to fill my empty stomach, feeling hungry.
Eat the "massala chicken" but it doesn't even taste as massala, its like "Ayam Masak Merah"
or something like that.
Seriously, i have no mood to smile, but this morning + afternoon scene is sooo beautiful, the pretty blue sky, with the sun shines, the birds singing & it just a very wonderful day.
Seriously, I feel no happiness on this day
Yes, i am a fuck
I hate to live as me, that's it .